Food Innopolis Innovation Contest 2018/2019

Mr. Tong Dhiranusornkit, President and Chief Executive Officer of KCG Corporation, and KCG Corporation management attended the opening ceremony of Food Innovation Thailand (FIT) and Food Innopolis Innovation Contest 2018/2019, aimed to underline the importance of food innovation in Thailand

In these events, KCG Corporation supported and coordinated with Food Innopolis, an organization of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).

Aside from competitions, highlights included the lecture entitled "Creating Brand for Business and Success" delivered by KCG Vice President Corporate Communications Mr. Weerayut Kusolsongserm; and KCG Corporation booth to promote products such as pastry flour "Imperial", cheese squeeze "Allowrie" and orange juice concentrate "Sunquick". The function also showcased items by the 24 finalists at the event square, Central World, on March, 27-28, 2019.